From Corporate Comfort to Courageous Coaching: Beth Allison's Transformative Journey

Written on 06/05/2024
Karen Rae


1. Describe the moment when you knew you had to tap into your inner courage and make changes in your life.

I started to get the itch to leave the comfort of corporate life when I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing as it was no longer aligned with me and how I wanted to contribute to the World.

2. Walk us through the pivotal moment when you decided to act courageously. What was going through your mind? How did you feel at that moment?


Then it all came to a head when I was pushed to take on a different position which I had no interest in, but the only other option was to leave. I was surprised, embarrassed, angry, and flummoxed.

3. What inspired or motivated you to take the courageous step you did? What were a few of the first steps you took? What major actions did you have to take?

After I was able to take some time and process what had transpired, I was determined to own what was going to be next for me. In working with my therapist, I began the quest of figuring out what path my career would be taking.

It began with me taking time to be introspective rather than impulsive.

I acknowledged and dealt with the vast emotions I was experiencing, stayed open to ideas and opportunities regardless of how crazy they may have seemed and evaluated each against my life priorities. Now known as Priority Pillars in my coaching practice.

4. Paint a picture of what your life was like before you encountered the challenge that called for you to summon your courage.

My life was routine. The work and the ill-feeling of it consumed the majority of my time, energy and effort leaving little for anything else. My salary was the highest it had been yet it couldn’t mask the unhappiness I was experiencing.

5. Were there any doubts or fears you had to overcome before taking action? How did you manage them?

Being what I considered ‘middle-aged’ there were plenty of doubts and fears of thinking there was something better for me.

You’re too old to start over, let alone with a new business.

You’re single, you don’t have a safety net.

You need the benefits that a job provides.

What will my family think? 


Once I identified, a Life Coaching business was what I wanted to pursue, those voices of doubt and fear snuck in again and again.

As they appeared I would remind myself it was ok to challenge what was considered the norm or a “traditional” career while having belief in what I was capable of.

6. What were some of the challenges or obstacles you faced during your journey to overcome this particular challenge?

Working 50 - 60 hours a week while simultaneously earning my Life Coaching certification was a challenge; however, it proved to be exactly what I needed to prepare and confirm I was on the right track.

7. Tell us about a memorable anecdote or turning point in your courageous journey.

When I shared with one of my best friends that I was going to be a Life Coach her immediate response was, “It’s about time!” It was a wonderful validation that fueled me to continue on the journey.

8. What role models or sources of support helped you stay strong and resilient?

My family, friends, therapist and the other coaches in training were great sources of support, especially when the doubts and fears would creep in. One of my co-horts in training said to me during an exercise that she felt I was a natural. I hope she knows how impactful that was for me to hear.

9. How did this experience impact your life and your perception of courage?

There is so much of my journey that inspires me daily to continue on this path and share with others that it is never too late to choose something different/new that lights you from within. In addition, when things get difficult or those voices start, and they do - I recount to myself what I have overcome thus reminding myself “I got this!”


10. What lessons or wisdom have you gained from this experience that you'd like to share with others?

The journey from the awareness that my job was suffocating my joy - to - taking back the helm of my life - to - being open to breaking free from what I felt I should do or what was expected of me - to - daring to find what sparked a fire in me and how I could keep it burning.

I’ve learned that giving myself permission to explore and pursue what aligns with my core, my beliefs and my dreams is anything but selfish, it is necessary to live a fulfilling life.

Supporting others to do the same is what lights me up and brings me a deep sense of joy. 

11. What unexpected or positive outcomes emerged from your courageous actions?

One of my priority pillars was I wanted to have time flexibility to support my parents.

My mom’s Alzheimer’s was progressing and dad was her primary caregiver. I could never have known exactly how important that would be - I left my corporate gig in September of 2019, completed my Life Coaching certification in December of 2019 and started WithinU Coaching, LLC in January of 2020.

We all know what happened in March of 2020, just 2 weeks after the COVID lockdown my mother fell, had hip surgery and 7 weeks later she passed. Because I had the courage to bet on myself and start my own business I was able to be by fathers side during those horrible 7 weeks and beyond - for that I will be forever grateful!

12. How do you define courage, and how has your definition evolved through your own experiences?

Courage is believing in yourself, taking thoughtful action and being willing to learn and pivot when making difficult decisions.

13. Is there a particular message or advice you'd like to convey to other women who may be facing similar challenges?

It may sound cliche’ but, we can either let life happen to us or we can choose to Live Life by Design…Not by Default. Also, you are not alone - other women have gone through what you are experiencing or are in the process of doing so and no doubt would be willing to support you. I know I am!

14. In retrospect, do you have any regrets or things you would have done differently?

From a business perspective, I think I would have rethought the ‘all in’ approach and decided to do the Life Coaching as a side hustle while still working, to get the business up and running some.


Overall, I have no regrets - coaching is the right fit for me and it provides me the flexibility to live my life on my terms while being able to support others as they navigate their life transitions.


15. How has this experience shaped your identity or sense of self?

Interesting question. I’ve been able to shed the burden of real and/or fabricated expectations, ok maybe not all, but considerably less than when I began this journey.

I have found a truer voice and I am more me.

16. What would you say to someone who is hesitant or afraid to take a courageous step in their life?

Being courageous isn’t about taking uncalculated risks, throwing all caution to the wind or getting in the ring with a wild tiger, it is honoring yourself and being willing to risk trying something different with the purpose of bringing you more joy and fulfillment.

Take the step - see what happens - you always can choose differently along life’s journey.

Beth M. Allison is a certified life coach and the Owner of WithinU Coaching, LLC. 


After a successful corporate career, Beth began her mid-life mentoring & coaching business in January 2020 helping people navigate life transitions such as career change, readying for retirement and empty-nesting.  Following her mother’s journey with Alzheimer's she added supporting the caregivers of loved ones diagnosed with Dementia.


Her coaching programs support her clients in making their transitions easier and guiding them to Live Life by Design…Not by Default.


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