
Behavior Translation - Accurately Interpreting the Cause of Behaviors

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You've heard me say before that behavior is communication, but what the heck is actually being communicated?  In this episode I share 4 ways to more accurately determine the real message or cause for maladaptive behaviors. First, do not assume anything other than the person would not be behaving this way if they could help it. second, drop all old stories about behavior. Both of these actions will help clear space for you to utilize my third suggestion, which is to  act like a scientist and be observant and curious as well as do your research on your family member's diagnosis. The 4th is the most underutilized but best chance for accuracy if done correctly: Simply ask them, "What's going on?" Asking from compassion and empathy and genuine concern is something we need to do more often and get more comfortable doing. One thing not to ask: Why did you do that?  This question is laced with judgment in most instances and the person being asked, child or adult, will feel compelled to defend, so an accurate answer won't likely be shared. If you like this episode, please download, share, rate or review. Thank you!  You can find out more about me and my coaching for moms at https: www.goodmomcoach.com