
Owning Your Story and Finding Your Voice with Carol Cox

Carol Cox helps women entrepreneurs to be vulnerable and share their stories to make a bigger impact in the world. Learn how powerful it can be to release your inner thought leader and redefine your personal brand. This is another special conversation we had as part of my recent summit: Unlocking the True Power of Forgiveness Secrets to Incorporating Forgiveness into Your Daily Life. "Your story matters because your audience will find the lesson for themselves. Share your story and own it, because it has shaped you and it matters." - Carol Cox In this episode, you will be able to: - Enhance your personal branding and establish yourself as a thought leader by leveraging the power of vulnerability and storytelling. - Share your authentic personal stories to empower other women and inspire positive change. - Explore the impact of personal stories on your audience and learn how to connect with them on a deeper level. - Receive expert coaching and guidance to elevate your thought leadership and amplify your message. - Unlock the secrets to effective storytelling and captivate your audience with your unique journey. - Discover the strategies to create a memorable personal brand and position yourself as an authority in your field. - Gain confidence and effectiveness in thought leadership by harnessing the power of storytelling and vulnerability. And more! Thanks for listening, and please share with someone you know who might benefit, I appreciate it. More info and resources: https://brendareisscoaching.com/


Your FREE Forgive Yourself resources: https://brendareisscoaching.com/podcast-resource-optin/

Are you struggling with a situation or a person in your life? Wondering if you are ready to work on forgiving yourself? Take our quiz to find out your emotional IQ and how this impacts your ability to forgive: https://archetype.brendareisscoaching.com/sf/357cdc60

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