Reclaiming YOUR Power: The Forgiveness Advantage for Women in Business

Written on 09/08/2022
Karen Rae

 12 Week Program Forgiveness Advantage for Women in Business

Are you a woman in the business world, yearning to reclaim your power and unlock the secrets to success? Do you recognize the immense potential that forgiveness holds for your professional journey?


If you're ready to transform your career, master the art of forgiveness, and rise to new heights, you're in the right place.


You’re invited to join an exclusive program facilitated by Brenda Reiss, Transformation and Forgiveness Coach.


Praise for the program:

"I would recommend Brenda's program if you are harboring any past guilt or bitterness regarding forgiveness or holding on to negative experience emotions personally or in business. She will help you get down to the root to help you with the allowance of forgiveness. This is one of the most "freeing" experiences I have ever had. You will leave the program with a whole new frame of mind and emotions."

- Betty S.

"It can be intimidating and even scary to contemplate the concept of forgiveness, and with Brenda's guidance, I was able to embrace forgiveness in a whole new way. Changing my personal and business life in remarkable ways. I am grateful for the opportunity to truly make this change in a matter of hours/weeks."

- Roberta R.

Click here for more information:

Schedule a call with me if you are interested in the program and want more information after checking out the link above.


Have you taken the quiz yet? It’s a fun quiz that helps you determine your “Unique Forgiveness Archetype”. I’m curious what your archetype is….

Click here to take the quiz

Here are some responses I've received:

  • "It was so fun and I was surprised at learning so much more about myself."
  • "I could really relate to the archetype."
  • "Oh my gosh, I felt like you were in my head when I was reading the report.  Thank you for seeing me."

    Click here to take find your Archetype -


Ways to Work with Brenda:

Complimentary Call - Is unforgiveness creating a financial ceiling for you?  Are you experiencing deja vu in your relationships with others whether it be clients, friends or lovers?  Are you feeling stuck in any area of your life?
You are invited to schedule a 30-minute complimentary call so we can connect and see how the forgiveness work can benefit you.

*New Weekly Forgiveness Tips*

Would you like to receive weekly Forgiveness tips by text?  
Text the word FORGIVE to 206-237-4897
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