Joti Healing πŸ’•

Written on 03/02/2023
Karen Rae

Indulge in my exclusive Reiki special designed for our incredible women's community!
 For just $488 ($162 a session), enjoy three virtual sessions, a remarkable offer compared to the standard $222 per session.

Experience inner peace and well-being from the comfort of your home, eliminating the hassle of commuting.
Explore my handcrafted offerings for peace and grounding at 





Reiki energy healing aims to promote harmony within the chakra system. Reiki is a holistic form of alternative therapy that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" is derived from Japanese words: "rei," which means universal or higher consciousness, and "ki," which means life energy or vital force.

The chakra system is an ancient concept originating from Indian spiritual traditions. It consists of seven main energy centers located along the spine, each associated with specific qualities and aspects of human experience. Balancing and aligning these chakras are thought to contribute to overall well-being, both physically and energetically. 

Associated with specific colors, elements and location of the body, the 7 main chakras are also associated with the following attributes.:

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

Associated with: Survival, stability, security, and the physical body

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Associated with: Creativity, sexuality, pleasure, and emotional balance

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

Associated with: Personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and digestion

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

Associated with: Love, compassion, forgiveness, and relationships

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

Associated with: Communication, self-expression, and truth

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

Associated with: Intuition, insight, perception, and spiritual awareness

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

Associated with: Spiritual connection, consciousness, and higher knowledge

As a Reiki master, I channel this healing universal life energy through my hands to you, and it’s just as effective done virtually! This energy can help balance and align your energy, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Unseen life force energy flows through all living things and disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to illness or stress.

I understand the importance of self-care, especially during the holiday season. Unwind, rejuvenate, and give yourself, and your loved ones, the healing energy of Reiki. Gift certificates are available. Call 508-254-3778, text, or email at to secure this rejuvenating opportunity through December 31, 2023. Send the gift of my Reiki-infused Room Clearing Spray to loved ones from afar. Explore my handcrafted offerings for peace and grounding at

You Shine Quest

Find your Light Within
Take Charge of your Divine Plan!
Trust me to take you on a Hypnotherapy journey to help YOU discover and realize a specific goal.
I will provide a personalized recording for you to listen to that is infused with self-discovery & personal affirmations we create together. (Join my email for an audio sample.)
Send Joti Healing a Message to inquire!

Go to Joti Healing to schedule your free consultation.
or call 508-254-3778

Get Your Free Peace and Serenity Recording. Experience a sampling of what your personalized recording may sound like! 

Are you looking to add more vital energy to your life?
Are you looking to feel better as you move about your day-to-day life?
Even in stressful times, if you practice the art of self-care, regularly, you will feel a difference!

Click here for your Free Peace and Serenity Audio Recording 
And when you join my email list, I gift you with a Peace and Serenity Download that you may listen to over and over again to help you have more

See you soon!

Click here for your Free Peace and Serenity Audio Recording 

Room Clearing Spray -  $16

Spray a room, your car, or even yourself!

Smells great!

Helps to clear away negative energy

Helps to relieve anxiety and stress

Think more clearly and improve your intuition.

Made with pure essential oils:

Sage, Rose, Lavender, Cedar, Sweetgrass & Distilled Water

Text to order 508-254-3778

Judit Csikos, MPHCAM, CMS-CHt, FIBH

I am a Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist, fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Coach, Reiki Master, and Om chanting circle leader. My past experience has allowed me to work for many years as a behavior therapist with children who live with ASD, as a community advocate for adults and children with special needs, and as a voice for adults and children who were not empowered to speak up for themselves. Today, I offer my services to the general public, realizing that so many seek inner guidance. I also offer a variety of online workshops to assist adults along their journey.

I have a Master's degree in Public Health Administration, with a concentration in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, MPHCAM, from Everglades University, Boca Raton, Florida

Being empathic and sensitive since childhood, I understand how we take on energy and situations that aren't ours to bear. I strongly promote the importance of protecting and healing, oneself from the negative energy that comes from others, and our environment.

My interest, in helping others heal, comes from my own profound healing journey.

I now humbly and compassionately share my healing gifts with the world.


β€’ A natural yet altered state of mind with numerous beneficial characteristics

β€’ Engages critical thinking and problem-solving intelligence

β€’ A self-help educational process based on personal empowerment  

β€’ Safe - you are always in control

β€’ A free 20-minute consultation is required before your first hypnotherapy session.

Schedule your free 20 minute consultation here. (required before your first hypnotherapy session)

Hypnotherapy: Virtual or In-Person

1 hr|$222

Hypnotherapy sessions range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on your experience and the depth of each session. You will always remain safe and in control. We will schedule a session during our Zoom consultation.


Reiki is an ancient healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy to the client by means of touch, or placing hands over the body, to activate the natural healing processes of the client's body and help restore physical and emotional well-being. 

Reiki - Virtual or In-Person

1 hr|$222

Relax and allow your body to rejuvenate. We will schedule a session during our Zoom consultation.

Joti Healing

Washington, United States 508-254-3778