Dive In ~Tina Tesch-Myers Story

Written on 10/29/2024
Karen Rae

In "Dive In", Tina Tesch-Myers shares how an unfulfilling career as a Rolfer led her to a soul realignment, sparking the courage to change paths. Inspired by her son's environmental concerns, she founded Move Me, a company focused on reducing plastic waste, transforming her life and fueling a passion for protecting the planet.

Tina Tesch-Myers

I am an Enviro-Nutrient Consultant, which simply means we work on your health and this ripples into your environment. Reducing Plastic and Chemicals from your Kitchen to your Garden to transform your health and this magnificent planet.

I was born in Melbourne, Australia, and spent my first 19 years there. My parents were German immigrants, so German became my second language. I then traveled to Switzerland to study Hotel Management and Catering at the Kulm Hotel in Arosa. This period marked the beginning of extensive travels throughout Europe and Africa over the next six years.

Upon returning home, I ventured into a new career in woodworking, founding a business called Telopea Turnings. My passion for fine woodwork led me to work exclusively with timber found on the forest floor, which I practiced while living in Tasmania for about a decade.

A transformative journey took me to Nepal, where I reached Everest Base Camp and received a message to travel and study in America. In 1992, I began studying Rolfing at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

My interest in food and nutrition prompted me to earn a Certification in Nutrition from the N.T.A., along with training in visceral and cranial manipulation.

Currently, my passion is dedicated to the oceans, focusing on reducing plastic and chemical pollution in our home environments. This led to the launch of Move Me in 2023. Today, I reside in Seattle, Washington, with my gorgeous husband and son, continuing my mission to make a positive impact on the world.


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Describe the moment/circumstances when you knew you had to tap into your inner courage and make changes in your life.

When my passion for Rolfing began to wane and it no longer fed my soul, my sessions with clients lacked the fire and desire I once had. I knew something was changing within me. My hands were merely going through the motions, and my heart wasn’t fully in my work. This was difficult because I loved my clients and felt I was betraying them, taking their money without giving my all. Although I still provided excellent work, it didn’t come from a deep, meaningful place. I always felt there was more to my life. I didn’t seek grandeur but knew I was meant for something different.

To honor my clients, I immersed myself in my work as much as possible, respecting them and striving to ensure they never received subpar treatment from me. Despite this, I often felt a push-pull inside of me, and l would feel like an imposter. Yet, I would put on my brave face and do my work, loving the sight of my clients thriving and releasing their pain. Their progress meant everything to me, but inside, I wasn’t thriving at all. It felt like I was dying a slow death.

Walk us through the pivotal moment when you decided to act courageously. What was going through your mind? How did you feel at that moment?

My pivotal moment came unexpectedly. I was receiving deep bodywork from a lady named Doris. After she completed my soul realignment and cleared out old issues, she looked at me and smiled. Her next words awakened a longing within me to discover my next steps in life, something I had been pondering for such a long time. She said, “The oceans were singing when you were born.” This sentence pierced me deeply, and I knew, without a doubt, that I had received my answer. This answer certainly rocked my foundations and absolutely scared me to death.

A new path lay before me, and it terrified me. A profound knowledge ignited something deep inside me. I cried and smiled simultaneously, unsure if this was truly the answer I wanted to hear. Being in a state of limbo, this revelation gave me strength and also filled me with fear due to the vast challenges I knew I had to face.

What inspired or motivated you to take the courageous step you did? What were a few of the first steps you took? What major actions did you have to take?

What motivated and inspired me to take the next step was my son, Joaquin. It all began with a simple walk along the beach where I grew up in Cape Paterson, Australia. At the age of thirteen,
Joaquin looked around and said, “You guys have screwed up this environment, and now we have to fix it,” referring to his generation. I looked at him and replied, “Why don’t we start now and do it Together?”

In that moment, I knew I had to create something new. My deep intuition guided me, breaking down the first few steps to make them clear and manageable. I had to persevere with
something that few had contemplated before. My comfort zone was the beach, so while sitting there, I thought about how to begin this new direction.

I started by examining the plastic and chemicals people use daily. I painstakingly went through every room in my house to understand what I could do differently and how to improve my home to set an example. This was the beginning of my amazing adventure, which led me to found my company, Move Me.

The name Move Me came to me on a Sunday morning when l was spending quality time with my gorgeous husband over a magnificent coffee. We were creating names for my business, and nothing resonated with me. Then, out of the blue, Jeff said these two simple words — Move Me. Those words hit me so deeply with such a profound connection to my soul that l knew that this was the name of my business. It felt like everything was aligned in all directions, and my search was over.

Paint a picture of what your life was like before you encountered the challenge that called for you to summon your courage.

Before founding Move Me, my life was a daily routine of working on my Rolfing practice, spending time with my son and wonderful husband, and handling everyday tasks I knew well and enjoyed. However, the more time I dedicated to my Rolfing career, the more unfulfilled I felt, as if something was missing deep down. There was no spark of enthusiasm, no deep joy, no rush to discover something new that would feed my soul’s purpose. My continuous education classes just filled my required credits and didn’t give me that enthusiastic high that l was longing for. Nothing was giving me that spark. Though I still enjoyed my work, I was merely going through the motions. It didn’t bring me that deep inner smile or push me to step outside my comfort zone. I wasn’t growing as an individual or becoming a better human being. My Rolfing life had become routine, leaving me with a sense of emptiness and autopilot living.

Were there any doubts and fears you had to overcome before taking action? How did you
manage them?

Doubts and fears played a significant role in my life at the beginning of Move Me. The enormity of the problem often plagued me, and I wondered if anyone would listen to me. My inner saboteurs were relentless, reminding me that I didn’t have a PhD, Master’s, or any formal qualifications in plastics, oceans, or chemicals affecting the human body. Initially, staying quiet felt like the only way to survive. I kept telling myself that no one would care about my efforts to tackle the monumental challenge of reducing plastic in the oceans.

My self-confidence was nonexistent, and voicing my concerns about the planet was difficult. I struggled to balance the planet’s needs with human needs and didn’t know how to integrate them. I had to manage my mind, keeping it from drifting into dark thoughts, and take small, purposeful steps forward each day. My incredible mentors — Wonderful Morrison, Matthew Learning, Mary Morrison, Sandy Stamato, and Donita Wheeler — showed me how to manage my fears and move in the right direction. With their guidance, I learned to keep my fears behind me rather than letting them consume me with doubt and disbelief.

What were some too the challenges or obstacles you faced during your journey to overcome this particular challenge?

At the beginning, my challenges were primarily related to mindset, fear, and self-worth. The overwhelming presence of plastic everywhere — from small grocery stores to large supermarkets — dominated the shopping aisles and permeated every aspect of life. This endless sea of plastic often made me question myself: Am I good enough to tackle this problem? Will people listen to me without a degree or credentials? Will my message scare or overwhelm people, causing them to shut down? Do people even care?

These fears and doubts surfaced frequently because what I was attempting was completely new. I had to start this adventure from scratch; there was no existing model or guidelines to follow. No one had done anything like this before. To overcome these feelings of fear and frustration, I engaged in numerous lectures and classes to improve my mindset and brainpower. I worked with people who were much smarter and more experienced in sales than I was. Meditation and personal growth became my top priorities.

Gradually, I felt my strength emerge, making each step a little easier. This journey gave me a strong sense of purpose, bringing my target closer. I could see and feel the changes within myself, and I began to enjoy this ride of self-discovery. It made me stronger, more resilient, clear-headed, and determined.

Tell us about a memorable anecdote or turning point in your courageous journey.

To be perfectly honest, the start of my new direction was always filled with avoidance. My constant nagging fear dominated my mind, and my internal self-image was seriously lacking. I often shifted my attention to other tasks, convincing myself that someone with better credentials could tackle the issue of plastic pollution.

Yet, every time I suppressed my desire and doubted myself, I would come across an inspiring article or video that reminded me this was my journey to pursue. These stories touched my heart and gave me a deep feeling that I had to step up and do this work. There were many times I wanted to shut down and walk away, overwhelmed by fear and self-doubt.

Over time, it became clear to me that the Universe had other plans. One day, Joaquin brought in an article and a video about a humpback whale that had died of malnutrition. The whale had a ton of plastic in its stomach, and people stood by helplessly as it died a slow, heartbreaking death. This was the most gut-wrenching thing I had ever seen, and it touched me deeply. I knew I had to stop making excuses and step into this vital work.

The humpback whale became my turning point of no return. This gentle giant, like so many other animals, was at the mercy of plastic. While plastic may seem insignificant to us, in mass quantities, it rules the oceans as a graveyard of poison. This realization gave me the resolve to embark on my next great adventure and fight for a cause I could no longer ignore.

What role models or sources of support helped you stay strong and resilient?

My journey of self-growth has always made me stronger and a better person. I owe much of this to the incredible and constant messages from Jim Rohn and Mel Robbins, which I would listen to while driving. They helped me understand how and why failure happens. Jim Rohn’s voice, in particular, is a constant presence in my mind, encouraging me to look deeper and dissect the world. His guidance helps me approach tasks with more clarity and confidence. His voice resonates deeply with me, touching my soul and igniting a hunger to learn more. Even after hearing his message twenty times, I still have those aha moments at the most unexpected times. He alleviates my worries and provides clarity and support, laying a solid foundation for my growth.

In addition to these motivational voices, I frequently look at articles and photos of the ocean. These images, showcasing both its beauty and the devastating pollution of plastic, keep me inspired and remind me of the work I need to do. They drive me to take action, even when the road is rough and tough. Each day, my confidence grows, and my mission and vision become clearer guides.

Every night, I plan the next day meticulously. When I wake up in the morning, I know exactly what I need to tackle and when. This preparation gives me a clear focus, preventing my mind from wandering to trivial tasks and ensuring that I remain dedicated to growing my business and fulfilling my mission.

How did this experience impact your life and your perception of courage?

It was my guiding post and beacon because, most of the time, I was completely alone. I had to manage this loneliness, keeping my fear behind me, pushing me forward rather than holding me back. This dynamic drove me to dig deeper, seeking clarity and understanding to achieve what I knew I had to do.

My discipline had to take center stage, helping me push through many difficult barriers. With my daily disciplines, my courage and confidence grew stronger. Clarity, discipline, and courage formed a pivotal foundation, making my courage feel effortless and giving me a profound sense of achievement. This trio gave me the confidence to accept my mission and the passion to follow through, filling me with a deep-seated sense of peace. Striving to improve myself and grow into someone I could be proud of was incredibly important. Each day, looking at myself in the mirror and knowing I was taking steps forward gave me strength and confidence in this vast sea of emotions.

What lessons of wisdom have you gained from this experience that you’d like to share with others?

Envision the big picture of what you want to achieve and surround yourself with that vision. For me, seeing the tangible reasons behind my mission fuels my passion. Build your dream step-
by-step with consistent repetition, trusting that your efforts will come to fruition. Each night, reflect on the day, knowing you gave it your all.

It’s essential to acknowledge that some days, even thirty minutes to an hour of focused, powerful work is enough. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, as it constructs and nourishes your soul in a meaningful way. Recognize that your 100 percent will always fluctuate, but the sense of fulfillment will remain constant.

At night, review your wins, even the smallest ones, and set solid foundations for the next day. Avoid self-judgment and embrace the journey of learning, growing, and sharing. This is the essence of life. Let your inner truth be your guiding star and take pride in it. Show your strength and trust that you are on the right path, achieving your goals gradually and consistently.

What unexpected or positive outcomes emerged from your courageous actions?

Unexpectedly, I found my voice and matched it with my passion, along with a newfound confidence. This gave me profound insight into who I truly am and what I need to do. It laid the foundation for a new version of myself, free from fear and limiting beliefs. I became a new woman, integrating my true essence. I no longer hold back. My life is too short to play small; I’m here for a significant purpose that continually drives me forward.

I know this in my bones. This deep calling, which I once ran from, has finally come to the forefront. For too long, I made excuses and felt an emptiness in the pit of my stomach, Pretending my true soul wasn’t worthy of greatness or this monumental mission. Now, I honor my journey, recognizing that fear and self-doubt will surface but using them as fuel for determination and courage.

I embrace the challenges and setbacks as they come, knowing they only strengthen my resolve. This mission is about more than just me. It’s about protecting our magnificent ocean and all its wonderful inhabitants. Every step I take brings me closer to fulfilling this calling, filling me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

How do you define courage, and how has your definition evolved through your own experiences?

Courage is a symbol of strength, honesty, and integrity. It has evolved through confronting my fears, insecurities, and self-worth issues, revealing the deep strength and acceptance of who I truly am. My passion was buried under layers of insecurity, obscuring the real Tina. I was trapped in old childhood scenes, always in the shadow of my brothers, especially my twin. Taller but never smarter, I was told to subdue my confidence and abilities because I was “just a girl,” meant to be seen and not heard. Shedding this belief has been a long and arduous journey.

I always followed my intuition, an inner strength that couldn’t be taken from me. This deep knowing pushed me through frustrations, fears, and insecurities. It was often the key that unlocked the prison of my restrictive upbringing. Realizing I am more than I thought possible has made me infinitely more courageous. Accepting myself on a deep level and trusting in my process has helped me evolve into a better human being. I now stand proud of my inner achievements, walking forward with peace, joy, and a profound sense that I am doing what I am meant to do.

My life has shown me many stepping-stones, each leading to who I am today. I am grateful for all the arduous and difficult lessons because they have made me a better person.

Is there a particular message or advice you’d like to convey to other women who may be facing similar challenges?

When you envision your mission, make it crystal clear. This is your journey, and your mission should move you to tears. You must connect with it so deeply that it ignites your vitality and hunger to succeed.

Let it be the magnet that pulls you through emotional lows, frustration, and moments of doubt. This connection will help you navigate your fears and insecurities, answering the internal question of Am I good enough? You must believe in your soul that you are on the right path, doing your best every day.

When you feel frustrated, angry, and alone, take time to reaffirm your dream and never give up. You may need to pivot occasionally, but as long as your actions align with your vision and mission, you will build momentum.

Expect obstacles that will try to dissuade you and make you question your purpose. But remember your calling and never reject your inner strength and passion. They are your compass to greatness. Trust that one small step at a time, with a clear heart, mind, and soul, can conquer monumental challenges.

Know that the Universe supports you. Stay your course and build yourself into a formidable force with strength, clarity, and honesty. You can conquer your fears, doubts, and frustrations through small, daily actions that create a solid foundation. This path leads to self-respect and transforms you into an amazing, courageous force to be reckoned with.

In retrospect, do you have any regrets or things you would have done differently?

I never regretted anything I’ve done in my lifetime — the highs and lows, the tragic and the joyful, the miserable and the amazing. Each experience has taught me invaluable lessons. They all happened in sequence to shape me into a better person. Though I may not have liked them at the time, stepping back has shown me they were the best things that could have happened to me. My adventurous life laid a solid foundation and provided me with incredible building blocks. Each moment, whether good or bad, has shaped who I am and I don’t regret a single one. They have all transformed me, revealing a deep inner strength I never knew existed.

It is pointless to let negative experiences dominate and drown my true inner strength. Doing so feels like holding a burning coal that destroys you slowly and painfully. Instead, I choose to view life through rose-colored glasses, believing that learning and growing come from how you perceive challenges. I build my inner strength by always seeing the cup as half full, not half empty. This perspective has been a great lesson, shaping me into a stronger, more determined person ready to face the battles ahead.

I wouldn’t change a single thing in my life because every experience has made me who I am. Embracing my past has carved out a person who hopes to bring value to the world. I am finally stepping into the battle, ready to grow and contribute with all the strength I have gained.

How has this experience shaped your identity or sense of self?

This journey has shaped me into a person I never imagined I could be. It has revealed so many insights, surprising me and making me stronger, more resilient, and of greater quality. I now have clarity on what I can offer to others and a deep inner strength I never knew existed. This newfound confidence enables me to open people’s eyes to different perspectives and align my inner purpose with my true journey.

I may be laying the groundwork for great foundations that will benefit future generations, helping many people and their organizations. I’ve learned to push myself beyond my comfort zone in ways I never thought possible, discovering a deep sense of truth that has changed how I see myself. My fears, frustrations, and self-doubts have diminished significantly. Though they still surface at times and shake me, I can now overcome them more easily.

The challenge before me is monumental, but I embrace it daily. This journey has unearthed depths within me that I would never have found otherwise. It is not an easy path, but it rewards my soul in profound ways. Only I can nourish my inner strength, but the amazing support from friends and family has made this journey less lonely. Their encouragement helps me stand tall and face each day with renewed determination.

What would you say to someone who is hesitant or afraid to take a courageous step in their life?

Take that step in your life because, at the end of your days, you don’t want to be left with “if only I had” or “if only I did.” Follow your passion and calling, even if it upsets others. Deep down, you know what you must do. Fears and frustrations are part of life, whether you follow your heart, mind, and soul — or not. Life can be challenging, but you cannot live with regrets.

You might fail, feel overwhelmed, and then soar to incredible heights. The key is that you went out on a limb and did what you had to do. When things go right, the feeling is profoundly fulfilling. You will close many doors and open so many more. Live your life with a purpose that is true to you because you need to look in the mirror and see a reflection that confirms your soul’s desires.

Following through on your true calling makes you feel whole and validates your worth. Step out and take a chance on your inner dream, your passion, your deep truth. Don’t play small or insignificant to please others, as this will suffocate your soul and drown you in frustration. Harness your inner strength and grow into the person who shines, bringing hope to others in your unique way. Be the person who shows everyone who you truly are and what you can achieve with your inner beliefs. Offer what you have to the world and be a shining example of someone who takes courageous steps so others can learn, admire, and follow in your footsteps. Lay the path that gives you purpose