Pushing Past My Mother's Doubts to a New Freedom ~ Kris Keppeler's Story

Written on 05/19/2024
Karen Rae

Courage is the ability to follow your passion and intuition, no matter what others around you say.

1. Describe the moment when you knew you had to tap into your inner courage and make changes in your life.

Explaining to my parents, especially my mom, that I needed to go to horseback riding school to learn about teaching horseback riding and expand my passion for jumping, eventing and dressage. Both my parents resisted, especially my mother, repeatedly telling me no. I’m an only child and she was afraid of me getting hurt. That didn’t make sense because she got me my first pony at age 3, and I’d fallen off dozens of times in the intervening years

Walk us through the pivotal moment when you decided to act courageously. What was going through your mind? How did you feel at that moment?

I knew I needed to go to horseback riding school. I wanted to do that more than anything else at that point in my life. I needed to break free of my mother and make my own decisions. I moved from feeling imprisoned and unhappy to a feeling of freedom.

3. What inspired or motivated you to take the courageous step you did? What were a few of the first steps you took? What major actions did you have to take?

I was extremely unhappy and felt imprisoned. I could not be myself. I suffered from low self-esteem, thinking I was not good at anything. I decided to go to a special horseback riding school to further my dressage and jumping/eventing passion. Despite my mother’s protests, I went anyway, for two months.

4. Paint a picture of what your life was like before you encountered the challenge that called for you to summon your courage.

My mother ran my life. I felt powerless and unhappy. I wanted so much more for myself but I was a slave to what my mother wanted.

5. Were there any doubts or fears you had to overcome before taking action? How did you manage them?

Wow, a great fear of failure. My mom and her friends telling me, I told you so. You’re not any good and never will be. (this is a real thing and still happens to me, some of my mother’s friends are ogres.) I felt this was the best course for my life and I followed my intuition. This is the first time I learned following my intuition was a good thing!

6. What were some of the challenges or obstacles you faced during your journey to overcome this particular challenge?

Cobbling together the funds to go to the school as I had to pay extra to rent a horse. I did not have a suitable horse for jumping and dressage work. Living alone in a motel room for a week didn’t work either so I had to hunt for a better living situation. I found another participant who needed a roommate at the small house she rented and it worked out well.

7. Tell us about a memorable anecdote or turning point in your courageous journey.

The instructor and other students were impressed with how I handled my rented horse, known to be a bit of a problem to deal with. I had no problems with him and made him look good in dressage. Our instructor was a former Olympic level coach so his compliment was nothing to sneeze at.

8. What role models or sources of support helped you stay strong and resilient?

The instructor and other students were supportive. We all supported each other and I made some great friends.

9. How did this experience impact your life and your perception of courage?

I learned I could stand on my own two feet and didn’t need my mother looking over my shoulder constantly. I was happier in my life than ever before. I finally gained some freedom.

10. What lessons or wisdom have you gained from this experience that you'd like to share with others?

To face your fear. It's not easy and take it in small bites, not a huge chunk. I continue to feel a bit imprisoned by my upbringing and my mom (who is in assisted living). But I keep looking for ways to feel free and happy.

11. What unexpected or positive outcomes emerged from your courageous actions?

Those two months gave me a huge jolt of confidence in my abilities. I never questioned my abilities as much from that point on. I concentrated on learning more and getting a horse I could grow with. It helped me out grow my horse obsession (which was my mother’s, not my own) and move on to things I was passionate about, singing and eventually acting.

12. How do you define courage, and how has your definition evolved through your own experiences?

Courage is the ability to follow your passion and intuition, no matter what others around you say.

13. Is there a particular message or advice you'd like to convey to other women who may be facing similar challenges?

Follow your intuition about what’s good for you, not what others think

14. In retrospect, do you have any regrets or things you would have done differently?

I regret nothing about my experience. I moved forward with my life in the way I wanted and I couldn’t have without this experience.

15. How has this experience shaped your identity or sense of self?

It taught me to go with my passion and my intuition. It continues to inform my choices to this day.

16. What would you say to someone who is hesitant or afraid to take a courageous step in their life?

You will forever be imprisoned if you don’t follow your passion and intuition. It always leads to unhappiness. Expect to take many courageous steps in your life, there won’t be just one.

Kris Keppeler is a narrator, actor, voice actor, and writer. After discovering her singing voice in Jr. High Choir, she’s never quit using her voice to amuse and instigate. She’s impersonated a cat, a prince, a princess, a witch, a dragon, and a president with her voice and narrated/produced over 50 audiobooks.

I help authors, and small publishers create audiobooks.
Kris Keppeler Narrations